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Blue Water Lily Tincture || Nymphaea caerulea

"The flowers that cause vertigo, the beautiful narcotic flowers." Nymphaea, also known as the Blue Water Lily or Blue Lotus (though it is not a lotus), has roots in Africa, in both the Northern Nile region and Southern Cape.


Motifs throughout Egyptian & Mayan cultures reveal a similarly sacred, divinatory and erotic use of the plant, suggesting the Nymph to be an entheogenic empathogen inducing purifying and ecstatic states.


This is an Old World narcotic, depicted in The Scroll of Ani (Egyptian Book of the Dead) alongside Papaver somniferum and mandragora, an hallucinogenic mandrake with anticholinergic properties. Likewise in Mayan frescoes the Nymph is depicted with magick, involved with rites of passage, priestliness, and passages between life death. Misunderstood throughout history the Nymph has become misrepresented as a global token of feminine fertility, when more accurately it's gender-fluid nature shows the adaptability tonifying power of the plant.


In some Northern American traditions, the waterlilies were associated with the underwater serpent, and therefore with the ability to see in different realms. Some theories now consider that it is possible the waterlily may have even been the Soma written about in ancient Vedic records. The purplish blue colouring of the blue water lily, suggests it is supportive to the Ajna, or third eye chakra, the Vishuddha or throat chakra, and the Sahasrara, or crown chakra. The Yellow colouring of the center suggests an association with the Manipura or solar plexus chakra, and the inner sun.Nymphaeaee has now naturalisted in parts of South America, the Pacific Islands, and Eastern Australia, where it is considered a weed in fresh water ponds.


Drunk traditionally in alcohol or as a fresh or dried leaf tea, it can also be smoked as a dry herb. The plant may increase sexual playfulness, energise, sedate, tonify the digestive and reproductive tracts, and mildly increase dream activity. The bulbs and roots of some Nymphaeae species have been documented to contain nuciferine, apomorphine and aporphine (which hydrolises into apomorphine in the body). These show selective dopamine agonistic properties specifically in the hypothalamus, which can aid in smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation in regards to erectile dysfunction, further accentuating its role as a gender-neutral tonic.


The waterlilly is both mucilagenous and astringent, meaning it is balancing to the fluids of the body, whether they are in deficiency or excess; it is also relaxing to the parasympathetic nervous system.It also has a culture of therapeutic use in Ayurvedic medicine for namely its astringent properties on the gut, including aiding in treating diarrhoea, dyspepsia, urinary tract problems, and even calming feverish states or heart palpitations.


This product is prepared from fresh wyld harvested Water Lily flora, respectfully foraged locally.


We have then extracted the flowers over many moons with pure ethanol to create the tincture, which is then adjusted to be a 1:4 strength. We then also add our Blue water lily flower essence, to further potentise this tincture.


Suggested dosage: 10-30 drops, morning and night, or as needed


Alcohol extracts are far superior to any other method of extraction. It extracts the most amount of the chemicals compared to any other solvent. It helps the medicine to also diffuse quickly into the bloodstream.


Alcohol is warming and medicine unto itself. To add, it also can esterify vitamins, oils and other medicinal chemicals making them more bioavailable and water soluble.


To be really specific: the amount of alcohol in tinctures is incredibly tiny. Less than you will get from eating a few pieces of bread.


If you are taking 20 drops of a 60 percent alcohol tincture every hour for an acute condition, you will get less than 2ml of alcohol over the course of a day.


If you are taking a general dose of 20 drops three times daily, this is less alcohol than you will get from eating two slices of bread.


If alcohol is a serious problem for you, then consider alternative extracts.


Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.


This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.


Blue Water Lily Tincture || Nymphaea caerulea

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  • Latin name: Nymphaea caerulea (ssp. zanzibarensis)
    Common name: Blue Water Lily
    Family: Nymphaeaceae
    Origin: Wyld harvested Northern Rivers. Loving made Nimbin
    Part Used: Flowers
    Ingredients: Nymphaea caerulea, Ethanol, Water
    Size: 30mL

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